Selling ASX stock trough Sharesies
TL;DR: – This is purely a fanboy post, I love Sharesies – This post is 50% appreciation for the an excellent delivery of Design craft in the context of digital services – This post is another 50% a tutorial for former employees of Xero living in NZ who are looking to sell their stock I
Stimulus & Response
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” — Viktor E. Frankl, a neurologist, psychologist and Holocaust survivor
Thoughts on attracting and retaining talent
When it comes to attracting and retaining talent, there are many variables that play a part in creating and retaining high-performing teams. Things as compensation, professional growth, benefits, psychologically safe environments, life/work balance, diversity, work from home allowances, nice offices, and so many others. But there is one “perk” that employees really care about and
What is Karma (According to Armando)
I’ve been going to an Eastern Philosophies study group for the last couple of years. Last Tuesday it was my turn to share what I have learned about Karma, it triggered a nice conversation afterwards.Have a look and let me know what you think.
Google DFP and Google Ad Exchange: A Programmatic Tale
I wrote this post for ArchDaily’s internal wiki soon after leaving the company, I been asked many times about my experience managing the ArchDaily inventory that I decided to make this post public. Google Ad Exchange (Adx from now) it’s considered a premium version of Google AdSense, only offered for Google to publishers with more
Philip Fierlinger (Xero) talking about the UX of money
I’ve shared this video with almost every person I know, so I better publish it here. It’s a brilliant definition of the value of UX. 2013/02 Philip Fierlinger (Xero) from CreativeMornings/Auckland on Vimeo.
Trade Me Customer Service: A Love history
I’m very obsessed with customer service in any format. Chile, the country where I come from, has the worst customer service I’ve been through, and I’ve traveled quite a bit. In my working life I have always tried to put myself in the customer (or user to be more politically correct) to deliver the best
Dos días arriba de un avión, la llegada al desierto.
Finalmente llegue a París, el vuelo estuvo bien, harta turbulencia, creo que el mas turbulento que he tenido, Air France es bastante pituco, la comida estuvo bien, aunque nada vegetariano, Me senté entre 2 viejitas, una chilena y una francesa, la señora francesa era muy tierna, nos comunicábamos con un sistema de gestos improvisado, la
Trato Justo Para Todos
Hace algunas semanas me invitaron a escribir una columna en Trato Justo Para Todos, que es una muy buena iniciativa de la gente de mis amigos de la ONG Derechos Digitales, respondiendo a la retrograda iniciativa de un grupo de artistas chilenos que básicamente quieren obtener dinero de parte de los proveedores de internet por
Run Don’t Walk @ Cans Fest
Hoy llego Naty, la compañera de Katerina, desde Londres, se había ido el Viernes y se compro un libro de Banksy, como la memoria trabaja de una forma muy particular, me acorde de que Federico, un gran amigo mio de Argentina, parte del colectivo Run Don’t Walk, me habia contado que había sido invitado por